Tuesday 8/19/08 – Morning Came Early After A Late Night
So I went to see The Dark Knight last night — incredible! I wanted to be home to put the boys to bed before I went to the flick so I went to a 9:50 PM show. Normally that wouldn’t have been an issue, but The Dark Knight is about two and a half hours long. Uggh. In any case, I didn’t get to the gym this AM as I’d hoped but I did skip McDonald’s once again. I’ll do a movie review shortly but the flick was REALLY well done. Very much deserving of all the hype that it’s received.
- none
- steak salad (lettuce, black olives, steak, tomato, carrot, fat free ranch dressing)
- fountain diet Pepsi
- chicken wings
- salad
- Bud Lite x 1
- coffee x2
- birthday cake
- scoop of ice cream
- nothing
Tonight was my father-in-law’s birthday hence the birthday cake and ice cream. Otherwise was a great day from the eating standpoint.
Did have some pretty bad heartburn on the way home from work (after the Starbucks).