Friday 8/22/08 – 225.0 – 16.0 lbs To Goal

Stomach is still really bothering me this morning. Not sure why. However, I have GREAT news… down 6 lbs from last week! I can’t even tell you how nervous I was to get on the scale this morning. Was a complete relief to see that 2-2-5. It’s GREAT to see some positive progress.

  • none

  • seafood salad from Subway (lettuce, spinach, black olives, yellow peppers, “seafood”, pickles, mayo)
  • fountain Diet Pepsi

Stomach is still REALLY upset. I’m hoping that this is just the normal “Atkins Tummy Ache” that I’ve experienced in the past but I don’t remember it lasting nearly this long. Not only that but I’ve been eating relatively carb-free for a while now… normally it starts at the beginning.

  • thin white pizza (tomato, cheese & basil) – one of Amanda’s best dishes!
  • Miller Lite x2
  • chips and home made salsa

  • coffee x2
  • handful of peanuts
  • M&M’s
  • double cheeseburgers (no bun) x 2
  • 5 piece nugget x2

Probably shouldn’t have had the M&Ms but I decided to celebrate.

  • took the boys for a walk on the golf course.

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