Medicine Cup

February 2020 Behind the Bar

Medicine CupThe Behind The Bar series will be used to keep tracking of my drinking throughout the month. This post will be updated during the month of February 2020 as I have a night out or a cocktail at home.

Home – 2.1.2020
Gentleman Jack x 2
Home on a Saturday night with the family.

Home – 2.2.2020
Miller Lite x 4, Gentleman Jack
Super Bowl Sunday at home. Four beers during the game followed by a night cap.

IMAGE NOTE: This ‘Medicine Cup’ is how shots are delivered at Tin Roof Orlando. Tremendous little live music venue if you’re ever looking for a night out in Orlando away from The Mouse. 

Papous Tap and Grill – 2.3.2020
Miller Lite x 4
Went to Papous for dinner after a meeting.

? out of 29 days (?%)

How does this compare to previous years?

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