234.0 – Up And Down… And The Holidays Are Looming

We’re less than 2 weeks away from Thanksgiving.  After that, we’re in the prime of holiday season which for us always includes lots of family and friend get togethers.  The good thing is that I’m not REALLY a big sweet eater (with the exception of my mom’s pecan pie at Thanksgiving… yummers). In all honestly, what it really means for me is a lot of opportunities for drinking.

I’ve said this time and time again… if I could knock out my drinking I’d probably lose 20 lbs before I could snap my fingers.  I’ve also said time and time again that I simply can’t (or more accurately won’t) do that.  SO… I’ve got to make some other changes.

As an example… I’m going to The Annex tomorrow night for our monthly Annex Tweetup.  They’ve got the best burgers in the world, not to mention some of the greatest drinking prices on the planet.  Normally, burgers come with fries, but in the vein of “making good decisions” I’m going to forgo the fries.  This may not sound like a huge concession, but it’s one small step toward my health.  I’ve got about 40 (ish) pounds to lose and I’m starting to REALLY realize that it’s not going to happen over night or with one simple change.  It’s going to take a whole slew of these little decisions to make it happen.

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