231.5 – Headed In The Right Direction
The scale was good to me today. I got home last night (after stopping for a couple of burgers) and started right in on the grass. The house is officially on the market as of yesterday and we’ve already got a showing scheduled for Sunday evening. I figured I should cut the grass for “curb appeal”.
In any cause, I didn’t end up eating dinner until about 8:30 and by that point it was just some tuna salad and lettuce. No alcohol either.
Today, I had a bagel for breakfast and it’s 1:05 and luck isn’t shaping up to be any time soon as I’ve got to take the kids to a Cub Scouts meeting at 2:00. Planning on watching the PPV tomorrow night so that will most likely involve pizza, wings and beer.
Progress is nice… Looking forward to hopefully cracking back into the 220’s next week!