Fireworks Video

240 – Moderation: I Have None

Fireworks Video

Here’s my reality. I don’t do moderation. This past “weekend” was the 4th of July. I say weekend in quotes because the 4th fell on a Wednesday which means I had to work on the 3rd and really only had one day off. As you can see from today’s number, that didn’t slow me down.

Tuesday night we went to my parent’s country club as we always do. I didn’t eat all that bad but not that great either. Couple that with two whiskeys and two beers and you can see where I got my calories.

The plan for yesterday (the actual 4th) was to hang around the house during the day and then go with Wife’s family to see fireworks in Aurora. That didn’t come to pass either.

After a bike ride in the morning for four miles (in 90 degree heat) we went to the in-laws for a swim in the lake for their community 4th party. Only one beer there (Mic Ultra even) but not great on the carbs.

When we got home is when things fell off the rails. Went to the next door neighbors who were having friends over started drinking… heavily. Most likely 20 or so beers later (I lost track) plus about 12 ounces of whiskey a neighbor poured me I went to bed. Needless to say, I totally understood why the scale screamed at me this morning.

Scheduled to play in a golf tournament tomorrow where I’m sure there will be beer and going to watch the UFC fight at a buddy’s house on Saturday where I’m sure there will be beer. Really got to get things under control… not from a alcoholic standpoint, but from a weight standpoint. Ugh.

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