239.5 – Glimmer of Hope
There’s a glimmer of hope on the horizon. I went to go see Matt this past weekend and naturally came back fat as well – 243.5. This AM I was down to 239.5 after I’d gotten rid of the water weight from beer (which if I’m being honest I didn’t really drink a ton of). Don’t get me wrong, I didn’t eat well while I was gone but I also didn’t go as crazy as I’ve gone in previous trips.
My blood pressure is still an issue. I’ve been checking it rather regularly as it’s not something I can ignore. When I went into the doctor the other day (the entire family has strep so I wanted to get checked as well – I have it too) it was really high – like 146/96. I checked it that evening and it was down to 133/88 and last night it was down to 126/84. That’s headed in the right direction but the bottom line is I need to lose weight. When I do, that number will come down.
Yesterday was a relatively good day food wise. No cheating during the day and had a couple of burgers on the way home (no bun, no fries, no nuggets). Made a bad choice this morning and stopped for two McMuffins. I’m realizing that this is going to be a life long battle as no matter how motivated I am I’m constantly unable to make the correct choice.
Day by day.