Weight Loss Progress

Here’s a look at the (thusfar) pretty piss poor results I’ve gotten on this journey… looking to turn things around.

Graph by www.pasi.fi/simple-graph-wordpress-plugin/

One Reply to “Weight Loss Progress”

  1. If you want to insert a graph in posts and/or pages, simply write a string similar to following in your post or page.

    [[simple-graph n=1 x=0 y=0 trend=0 wkly=0 lm=0 ytd=0 uid=0 gid=0 ]]

    Just replace the values as you wish. The ones above are default values, and if you don’t need to change the default value, you can simply omit that value from the string. I.e. [[simple-graph]] alone produces the graph with default values drawn from widget setup.

    n is number of widget options, from where default options (such as colours) are drawn
    x is width, any positive value is acceptable
    y is height, any positive value is acceptable
    trend is whether trend graph is shown, 0 = no, 1 = yes
    wkly is whether weekly averages are shown, 0 = no, 1 = yes
    lm is whether only values from last month are shown, 0 = no, 1 = yes
    ytd is whether only values from last year are shown, 0 = no, 1 = yes
    uid is user ID of the graph owner (see WordPress dashboard -> Users)
    gid is user-specific graph number, same as in widget control panel’s graph# selection

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