Won't Last Long Feature

268 – Didn’t Last Long

Well… that didn’t last long. My Vegan experiment was over in about 30 hours. Not because I didn’t enjoy it… I just had to listen to my body. As I said in last night’s post, I’d been dizzy most of the day. I woke up after getting a good night’s sleep, that wasn’t alcohol infused, and still felt like shit.

I can’t imagine that my body was rebelling to not having meat / protein in that little bit of time, but I definitely felt weird. And within minutes of eating some meat this afternoon (some chicken breast on a salad which included cottage cheese) I began to feel better and normal.

So… I’ve done a similar vegan experiment a couple of times now… and both time I’ve been back on meat within a day or two.

Tonight I had a few beers while grilling chicken and I’m sitting here polishing off my second whiskey of the evening. Heading to Sirna’s tomorrow evening for a work dinner / meeting so I know I’ll be drinking tomorrow as well.

Saw a better number on the scale this AM… I have to wonder what it’ll be tomorrow, or worse, on Thursday after a night of beers and steaks at Sirna’s?

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