Happy New Year 2016

Behind The Bar For January 2016

Happy New Year 2016The Behind The Bar series will be used to keep tracking of my drinking throughout the month. This post will be updated during the month of January 2016 as I have a night out or a cocktail at home.

  1. Rosenfeld’s House – 1.2.2016
    Crown Royal Black
    Went to the Rosenfeld’s house for a New Year’s celebration. Will be very sorry to see some of our best friends leave Cleveland 🙁
  2. Golubski Deliberato Funeral Home – 1.7.2016
    Jack Daniel’s
    Had a shot with Uncle Gary in honor of Gramp. RIP sir.
  3. Lincoln Tap House – 1.8.2016
    Fade To Black, Vol. 1 & Jack Daniel’s
    Shot and a beer after work.
  4. Home – 1.9.2016
    Kellerweis / Miller Lite
    A couple of beers with dinner.
  5. Winking Lizard (Independence) – 1.13.2016
    Beer x 5
    Went to the Lizard to have dinner with my buddy Pat. Started the World Tour for 2016 which I really had no intention of doing this year. 5 beers later I’m on my way.
  6. Home – 1.16.2016
    Miller Lite / Maker’s Mark
    Miller Lite with dinner (pizza night at home) and a Maker’s to end the evening.
  7. The Cabin –  Mario’s – 1.17.2016
    Red Wine x 2
    Wife and I went out to dinner without the kids. Two red wines with dinner of lamb chops, asparagus and risotto.
  8. The Winking Lizard (Macedonia) / Marko’s – 1.24.2016
     3 Floyds Alpha King / Jack Daniel’s 
    Took G to the Lizard for lunch after a swim meet. Had a Jack while watching the Royal Rumble at Mark’s.
  9. Lincoln Tap House – 1.29.2016
    Southern Tier Double Milk Stout / Miller Lite 
    Stopped at happy hour after work before heading off to the Pinewood Derby for the boys.
  10. Home – 1.30.2016
    Sierra Nevada Blindfold 
    Pizza night at home.

10 out of 31 days (32.25%)

How does this compare to previous years?

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