226.5 – Day #3 Of The Digest Diet
So I didn’t get around to writing yesterday for a couple or reasons. First and most importantly, I felt like shit. I’m battling a NASTY sinus infection that has not only given me pink eye in both eyes, but has now completely blocked up my right ear. At this point (the third day of the blockage) at least the pain has gone away from the ear, but it’s still blocked and is messing with my balance.
In any case… when I got on the scale yesterday morning, I was thrilled to see that I was down to 225.5. As you can see from the title of this post, I’m up a pound today to 226.5. That’s due in part to the few beers I had last night and that I didn’t eat the Digest Diet dinner last night as I was out at a networking event. That said, I didn’t stray too far as I just had a couple of chicken nugget type things and a couple of ribs. At least it was low carb.
Yesterday’s food was an interesting thing. The shake in the morning was pretty good. In fact, I’ve been pretty happy with the shakes overall. Even the one with an avocado in it the other day, which sounds gross, wasn’t. Then we got to yesterday’s soup. I sent Amanda a text saying, “This just in… kale tastes like fucking weeds”. And I meant every word. It was such a visually unappealing soup that it took me a couple of hours to get it down… which I finally did. Amanda ended up not finishing hers and giving the rest of the batch to Meagan who, bless her heart, is a vegan and loves that shit. Thank God I won’t be having that soup again.
So… for soup today it was back to the Mexican dish that I had on Tuesday which was pretty good. We’re going to do smores on the patio this evening to celebrate the first day of summer. Hoping tomorrow’s weigh in is a good one!